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Emergency First Aid at Work


The Emergency First Aid at Work course can be adapted to suit a particular audience and is ideal for lower risk businesses, in line with the Health and Safety (First Aid) regulations 1981.

Course Content

First Aid Priorities
Managing Incidents
Basic Life Support
Examination of a Casualty
Control of Bleeding
Burns and Scalds
First Aid Kits
Recording and Reporting

This course can be adapted to suit a variety of audiences, from the complete novice to those who are skilled but feel their first aid skills, including resuscitation, need updating.


Audiences range from parents, school staff and other first aiders through to dentists, nurses and other healthcare professionals.


Resuscitation training includes the necessary theory followed by lots of practical “hands-on” practise to build confidence. The Basic life support training is in line with current Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines.

Assessment and Certification

Given the practical nature of first aid, delegates will be assessed predominantly through practical, hands on, assessments, demonstrating the skills learned throughout the one day course. Upon completion, if delegates have met the required standards, they will receive a certificate, which is valid for three years.


Coming to the end of your three years under this certification? No worries, unlike the full first aid at work course, this certification does not have a requalification course, you will just need to attend the one day course again!


Under the current guidelines it is ‘strongly recommended’ that first aid trained staff attend a half-day update every 12 months – before completing full re-qualification training at the three year point.

To book any of our First Aid services for individual, group, or workplace training, please complete the below form.

Course of interest
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